The Balrog Bridge

Questioning life's moments.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The most precious!

Alright, now it has been sometime since I last wrote an article. But my constant time looking outside a van's window while coming back to school after watching Iron Man 2 (was great, best movie this year so far!), my insane mind gave me so many ideas. Well, that's about when I realized that I have to write about our most precious possession, and the one which we are losing, at a very fast rate.

What I am talking about here is called Humanity. Yes, a characteristic that every human being was, in truth, born with. We have all seen or heard about people suffering from inhumane acts, around the world, here in Maldives etc etc. However, being the very "I love asking questions" type of person, I wonder WHY they are all happening. Let's take an example, bit closer to home.

Now, it is a very well known fact that racism is in fact very prevalent in Maldives. But wait, there's only one race in Maldives, right? Yes, that is true, but I am not talking about racism within Maldivians. What I am talking about here is the racism towards Bangladeshis. Honestly speaking, most of us have up till now, failed to realize that they are also human beings. Without realizing it, we just lost our humanity. The amount of stories about violence and abuse towards them is laughable, because of the size of the country itself.

In the outside world, this is even more disastrous as people keep on doing inhumane acts, every minute of every hour. However, a very important fact here is that, if the level of humanity that we want in every person (the optimum or maximum level) exists in every human being, then crime won't in reality exist. Poverty and orphans won't exist. Who would want to rob? Who would willingly take a gun and shoot at another? Who would just throw away their loved ones to beg for food? Nobody!

Recently, I watched this movie called District 9, and I suggest it to everybody who wants to explore the question of losing humanity in all of us. In the movie, the main actor, gains more humanity as he loses more of his human self. Now there is something very interesting!

In reality, I still don't know why humans, well, most of them HAVE in fact lost everything inside them called humanity. Maybe that part of you kicks in at the extremes, but that usually just never happens does it? Somehow, we are losing the most precious item that we own, without us even knowing it. What a way to be robbed!

2 Comment using IntenseDebate:

shafynaz said...

this is great ..never really thought about "humanity" from this angle... its an eye opener :)

Anonymous said...

Awesomely written again! Although we don't agree on many things, I have to say that I completely agree with you on this!

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