The Balrog Bridge

Questioning life's moments.

It's been sometime since I have wanted to write about this, somewhere, anywhere I could find. A lot of people usually disagree with me on this, but I have always, ALWAYS stood by the fact that, love is nothing, but just a mere chemical reaction. My view on it was that, animals and us, we are not that really different. Lions find the best mate, and has babies. If the lioness had babies from another lion, the current father kills all these babies. Only HIS babies can stay alive. Us? Different? No way!

I think I will divide this article into different sections before proceeding. One section, dealing with emotions, the other dealing with appearance and attractions, and the final, mating and failing emotions. Now, let's drive that nice looking car into the first section. Only $300,000+ cars allowed, or in other words, read this, ONLY if you want to, not if you believe that love cannot be defined, its a magical emotion, blah blah!

Section 1: Emotions leading to love

I think, most of you who will most likely read this would have had a taste of what being in love would feel like. It is very weird! Your Oxytocin levels have just reached....a very high level. You so want that person. You really do. To me, that giraffe also wants that good looking female giraffe! Only that, he just wants to mate, nothing else. Human beings on the other hand, or US, we just THINK that we are in love or want to spend time together. However, in reality, we just found somebody, that to the human brain, is a very much of a potential mate. And why?

You see, even us humans need to survive the harsh planet called Earth. We need our population to grow, so as to make sure that our species survive. Well, I think we will never run out of Indians or the Chinese, but still, this is almost as if its programmed into a microchip into our brains. However, most of us, never ever realize this. We just think that, we are in love!

So, then comes the part where you get dumped. Sorry, I will have to laugh at you on that matter (On the side note, I'm planning to write something funny on breakups, with some tactics to help people out ;D ) Most people usually get dumped, due to their personalities or actions. Then again, people tell you, that, they are not in love anymore, due to this and that happening. In reality, it's more like you discovering that your potential partner, with whom you wanted to ensure the passing of your genes onto a newborn, was not really THE potential partner. The moment this hits you, you lose interest. Or better, your brain seriously loses interest, and you just want that person to go away! Emotions have failed.

Same with animals? I don't know, since we haven't really discovered a way to find out their emotions, yet. But what I do know is that, a lot of them do have more than one partner, but that is not really related, is it?

Section 2: Appearance, attraction and sexual appeal

This section is one very important factor in determining that love is nothing but a chemical reaction, going on inside us. So, good looking people, hot people, sexy people, what's this really about? Let's take this from outside the box, starting with the males. This deals with mostly dominance, pride and power.

The proud leader of a pack of lions, roaring into the morning sky of the savanna. There are three young other lions approaching, and they do not like this leader. The leader, is the only one mating at this time, and he does not want his babies to get killed either. So, he roars, claw and fights of these three youngsters, and sends them running, in both fear, and in search for another pack. The alpha lion has won, and has proven his dominance over all others. The lionesses just love him! They get protection for themselves and for the cubs as well.

See where I am going with this? Why do female humans get attracted towards males with larger muscles or just people who look like they can dominate other males. Protection, for both her (considering her as his potential mate) and her future offspring. Why do females just can't usually resist the rich males? Power and dominance, over other males. Even that serves as a guarantee!

Now let's take a look at females. On a modern males viewpoint, he is attracted towards females with larger breasts. Wonder why? Because in reality, his brain tells him that, this potential mate, can nurse his offspring better. Better mate? Certainly! Good for the babies? Sure! Then comes larger buttocks and hips. Modern males have a thing for them too right? Well, this should be mainly because of the brain convincing him that the woman will have easier childbirth, and the chances of the babies surviving this process are higher than other mates. Makes sense? Well to me it does. I also read that women dress their best when they are at the peak of fertility. Again, the question of being attracted, or incidentally falling in love is answered.

Section 3: Mating and Failing Emotions/Love

Love is best at the beginning. This is a known fact. After a while, things slow down, and your previously very attractive and potential mate, becomes boring, and seems like a repeating person. Explains all the mid-marriage problems, usually. After mating, it is true that love grows stronger because of the offspring or the baby/babies. However, we have to wonder, is it really your mate, or does another form of love arise? This time, it's not for your mate, but this time, its for the baby. You become very attached to the baby, and now, you possess something called family love.

However, what most people don't realize is that, the frustrations you are getting without even realizing it from your mate are being hidden by the family love. You want your mate, and your offspring to stay, and to be protected. That ensures that your genes are passed on. That ensures, that you have done the job of continuity of human species. At this point, the love you previously had for your partner is really gone. And the normal sex, doesn't really liven it up either. It becomes more of the usual routine of having your mate happy, and ensuring good health, physically, and emotionally as well.

That's it for my article. Hope it got you thinking. So next time you fall in love, ask yourself, is it just me, or has my brain just found a potential "mate". :P

3 Comment using IntenseDebate:

The Shadowrunner said...

Oh yeah?. I can disprove you with one fell swoop!. Love is a collection of gifs!. See if you can recognize them all!.

Btw, Ahmed Anony here.

Unknown said...

Lol yeah, I recognized you from a lot of other blogs haha :P

Anonymous said...

hmm interesting. i have to agree with you up to a certain level. love between a man and woman ( not related) i do believe is a chemical reaction at times. but there are other forms of real love too! the only form of love exists is not lust. for example the love you have for a parent or your child!!
On the other hand, you cannot DENY that there are some situations in which the man and woman seem to be more connected than by means of lust. for example, the lifelong mourning of a husband for his dead wife. if he was truly just searching for a mating partner, why not go out into the world and find one more?? why spend his entire life thinking over this one particular woman??
Oh and one more point. we are not like animals in ALL aspects. animals don't long for, or require lifelong companionship. we are built in such a way that we desire for lifelong companionship and support. we long for people we can share our emotions and thoughts with. so you cannot just say its a biochemical reaction =) its more complex than that.

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