The Balrog Bridge

Questioning life's moments.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Brainwashing, at it's best.

Five bucks for the person who recognizes the person above. .......Ah what the hell, that's Yuri, from the Red Alert game series. What's so special about him? Well, he's like this psychic guy who can control minds. And yes, he's very much effective, so much, that he causes the Allies to launch their nuclear missiles. I have to point out that was just through a phone call to an allied soldier. Yes, mind control at its best.

However, today what I am writing about is the mind control which is currently going on, right inside Maldives. I was reading this article over at a Maldivian news website, which seriously brought me to thinking where we were headed. Well, I can kinda make out where we are headed, but as the reader, read that article. Here's the good old link.

Now that you have read it, let me quote something from there.

He urged the audience not to waste time on useless knowledge, and said that sending rocket ships to Mars and getting robots to roam around and dig its soil to find its geological composition was an example of useless knowledge.

This article, is based on that whole quote right there. I was very much not happy with somebody going around saying that such knowledge is "useless" knowledge. The funny thing here is that, this guy, is actually being financed by our government to come and gives these epic speeches to the masses of people. I wonder why? That whole reference of his saying the space program and geology is "useless" knowledge says a lot about the guy.

Let's talk about the space program then. Going to Mars, or the moon, or just going around for orbits in a little space shuttle. It doesn't really matter how you do it. When he said all this was useless knowledge, I wonder how many Maldivians sitting there actually had the brains to question that sentence. The space program has brought us technological advancements beyond a mere Canadian guy's comprehension. Just imagine the advancements in communication it would have had. Imagine the knowledge we gained about the stars, the moon and other planets around us. Astronomers over the centuries only had ideas through their telescopes.

Muslim astronomers were actually one of the most prominent in the golden era. Mostly, they were like the central hub of the world's knowledge. And they were very much advanced in terms of Astronomy. Remember our last president? He was a great astronomy enthusiast as well. I don't know why, people would believe (although they did) such a guy saying that despite all these great researchers and scientists working their asses off about the space program and astronomy, that this is USELESS KNOWLEDGE.

Here's a very simple example. Let me take O Levels here. I actually very much want to specialize in marketing, and the whole concept of market understanding in the future. But this topic of marketing, was only JUST part of what I studied throughout my O Levels. And even that was merely in just one subject, commerce. I did so many other subjects during that time, and I wonder if Math or the remaining parts of the subjects which has nothing to do with Marketing is USELESS KNOWLEDGE.

Now, I took the time to do my own research on this so called Dr.Bilal Philips. The things I found out weren't that good. For one thing, he was denied a VISA into Australia, to give similar sermons. Okay check this out. This guy, has connections with the first World Trade Center bombing incident. Although compared to 9/11 it didn't have much casualties, this one was a major terrorist attack. And the guy our country's government happily gave a VISA to, was part of it. If you don't see the irony in this, then I don't know if you should continue reading this.

He has also been constantly blamed for trying to legalize child abbuse, and been accused of trying to spread radicalism throughout the world, through this version of Islam called Wahhabism, something some random dude called Mohamed bin Abdul Wahhab introduced not more than 2 centuries ago (I am not so sure on the exact time).

Maldivians, whether you like it or not, is getting brainwashed, slowly into following people like this. They have been constantly coming in, and the President uses them as a tool to stay in power. And the people? They are forced to believe in every single word these guys say. I have no doubt, that if Osama bin Laden were to be invited to Maldives, he WILL come, and the masses of people WILL attend his "religious sermon".

The sultan park bombing was just a preview of what is going to happen. So was Himandhoo, and the list will continue. Radicalization is becoming more or less, part of such a rich cultural heritage we have been cherishing for god knows how long. Brainwashing is currently not opposed at all, and questioning the main religious authorities of Maldives (Just like in jolly old Iran....refer to the Iranian theocracy) is like playing with fire. They will label you anything they want, and will harass you in anyway they can. When people choose to ignore things that are clearly right in front of them, these people find it very much easy to control them.

Right now, believe it or not, this is happening. Read about Iran. Read about Afghanistan. Compare their past to after the revolution in Iran or the Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Both countries were rich in culture, heritage, and had a mass of religious people who were peaceful, friendly, and weren't the "anti-west" people they are today. Now, try comparing Maldives to what is happening right now, to it's past. Just go back a mere 10 years. Then, compare what you found out, to what happened to Iran and Afghanistan. I don't even have to say anymore.

At the end of this, all I have to say is, Ignorance is a bliss, ain't it?