The mention of the word pills usually takes us in a very wrong direction. Yes, LSD and stuff like that. But I am not really into covering that, since it is covered almost everyday in a different form. The pill theory, which is what my topic for today, is my main concern. And so, WHAT is the pill theory?
Well, it's something that most of us have heard of in fiction, and maybe it's going to be become fact sooner or later into the future. Pills, being substituted for the usual courses of food we consume daily. People have very different names for it. Survival pills, nutrient pills, and so on and on the names go. But it is very common for us to see in these space sagas, when the commander hands the main character a canister of pills and goes "One of these per day is good enough." Or in other circumstances, the pill is being shown as being used for everyday life, without it being much too special. Yes, you find the pill on your plate in the morning, and that's what you have throughout your entire day.
Now maybe, it is going a bit too overboard. However, this is without a doubt possible, and let's face it, we have let go of a lot of things we used to do in the past. Nowadays, we don't even have to walk towards a switch on the wall to turn on most fans! Yes, the heavenly remote!
So why not let go of eating? Saves our time, we get the optimum nutrients to keep us healthy, and no more cheeseburgers to make people fat. Seems like a very bright idea! Plus, this can be actually practical, because imagine the work load on people twenty years from now, if this is what we are facing today. Yes, that is a lot of human effort being used.
Here is one scenario, depicted in one of my favourite animes, popularly known as Naruto. So, Naruto is in battle with a guy called Kiba, who has attributes of a dog/wolf. He owns one puppy called Akamaru, and while they are fighting, he decides to give Akamaru a pill called the Soldier Pill, if I recall the name correctly. One of the spectators point out that the pill can make a soldier fight three days and three nights without rest. Naruto complains about this, but the tactic remains legal, and once Akamaru takes the pill, he turns from cute puppy to ravage beast! Very interesting. Possible? I don't know!What I am thinking is that, maybe in the future space age, these pills might be our daily food supply. However, I cannot imagine us giving up the art of cooking or simply put, delicious food itself. No more steak, eggs, burgers, fries, ice cream or anything for that matter. Its just the pill. The pill on your plate. There shouldn't even be a plate! In this sense, I am very against it!
But then, I started thinking about the pill in a very different way. One of the problems the world is facing nowadays is hunger. These pills, in the future, if are to be mass produced, can easily take care of this problem, while assuring malnutrition would also be eliminated. The pills will be very easy to distribute, and can all in all, take care of the hunger problem forever! You hungry? Go get yourself a pill! Then, stay full for a very long time!
I know this is a very, weird topic for me to talk about. Then again, out of this blog, you can expect such things. So, I have to say in the end, it is very much upto us to decide if we are going to go on with the pills, or say no to them. It's either the pills, or traditional food. I take traditional food!
Pills for the win?
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Although it is very hard for me to describe myself, I think I have some several ideas. Ok, I am from good old Maldives, and I like writing about.....stuff. Love art, epic anime enthusiast, apex predator admirer...what else? I don't know. But that is all for now since I did mention in the first line that this was a hard task. But enjoy reading.